Prophetic Hubs

Ecclesia Rise

The ecclesia rising with strength and strategies from the Lord to be poured out in the earth!

Global Manifestations has established a network of Prophetic Hubs designed to bring together groups of believers yearning to experience God with a greater intimacy and clarity. Once heaven is revealed, we will begin decreeing it into the earth which is the pattern Jesus spoke when He was asked how to pray. This is known as the Lord’s Prayer. (Matthew 6:9-13)

Interest in joining a Hub?

So what is a "Hub"?

And what does it consist of?

Small Groups

We gather in small groups as one mystical unit before the Lord


Meet in homes and/or via Live modern visual technology


Each session will be led by a seasoned leader


Interactive group discussion, teaching, worship, and prophesying

Much of the curriculum that is being provided by Global Manifestations is strong in prayer, such as apostolic intercession and prophetic intercession.  Participants will also be taught about hearing the voice of God by seeing, sensing/feeling, words of knowledge, declarations, and decrees. Other HUB conversations will address Becoming Who You Are. These discussions will be two-fold 1) Challenging our shortcomings in our personality as well as highlighting our benefits, 2) Discussing who we really are in the spirit realm; for example, what does it mean that we are seated with Christ Jesus in the heavens? (Ephesians 2:6)

Each hub has its own characteristics but each one will be focused on worshiping the One True God and hearing His voice. In these gatherings you will learn:

The HUBS will strategize and seek to win the lost. Each HUB unit will also have a level of autonomy with the development and/or usage of other supporting curriculum/teachings. In operation, the HUBS will not stray from being prophetic in nature and will provide their own form of worship.

The body of Christ has moved into a season of small gatherings that will make a great impact in the earth!  We must speak those things into the earth that God is giving us from heaven.

Believing in unseen realities (Hebrews 11:1)

Believing they can have access to hidden mysteries transcending ordinary human knowledge (Jeremiah 33:3)

Believe they can actually know their God!

Let’s take this journey together. We are stronger and better together than forging ahead alone.

Ready to learn more?